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Stock Market Volatility: Buckle Up for the Ride and Reap the Long-Term Benefits

The U.S. stock market (represented by the Russell 3000 index) has dropped around 10 percent in the past month, as investors have been rattled by frequent changes in federal government policies and uncertainty as to how those changes will impact the U.S. economy. As always, this market volatility has sparked some concern and anxiety among investors about what will happen next and whether they are adequately prepared to handle a continued downturn, if that is what the market delivers. In light of these concerns, Dimensional Fund Advisors recently published an article entitled, “Investing Can Be a Roller Coaster: Three Tips for Riding Out the Ups and Downs.” The article reminds investors:

  1. Don’t fret over short-term market dips. Over the past 45 years, the average intra-year market decline was -14% per year, but over 80% of calendar years during that timeframe still ended with positive annual returns.
  2. Trying to avoid market downturns by pulling assets out of the stock market is a dangerous proposition. This strategy risks missing out on the “best days” of market recoveries, and missing those days can significantly handicap your long-term returns.
  3. You have control over the extent to which you ride the stock market roller coaster. Including a comfortable allocation to cash and bonds in your portfolio – and diversifying your stock exposure across all segments of the stock market (large and small companies, U.S. and international companies, etc.) – can help dampen portfolio volatility and make your long-term investing experience a more tolerable ride.

With respect to Dimensional’s third tip, note that international and emerging market stocks have held their ground (remaining approximately flat) over the past month, while bond funds have ticked upward. If you need to withdraw funds from your investment portfolio, we will typically sell whatever segment of your portfolio has performed well recently. We do not need every asset class in the global stock market to be soaring all of the time. While U.S. stocks are down, we can use international stocks or bonds to meet your spending needs.

If you have concerns about this recent market dip, please do not hesitate to call or email us anytime.


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