Welcome to Professional Financial Solution’s blog, Our 2 Cents! We aim to provide you with brief insights and analysis on financial planning and investment topics. If any clients or other readers have questions or topics that they would like to see covered here, please feel free to contact us by email or by posting a comment to a recent blog post. By reading the articles on this blog, you acknowledge our warning and disclaimer, provided here. Articles are provided for informational purposes only and shall not be relied upon as personal financial or investment advice.
While stocks and bonds are, for most investors, the key components of their investment strategy, some turn to rental […]
Last week, President Trump signed into law a tax overhaul bill that will significantly affect tax liabilities for corporations and […]
New clients come through our doors with a myriad of financial goals—to pay for kids’ college expenses, travel in retirement, […]
As we discussed in our last post, many parents worry whether their children will establish good habits regarding money and […]
For those of us who are parents (or play a parental role as guardians, caretakers, or involved family members), we […]
With countless news stories in the past weeks revolving around the Equifax data breach, many Americans have renewed concerns about […]
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(703) 385-0870